Thursday, September 18, 2014


She says she cries tears and behind them there are no emotion 
To flee life i indulge in bottles which contents are truly potent 
No one to leave the porch light on for me, no secret my house is not a home
It would be foolish to let others enter, just to walk out & leave me here alone
With Knees bent i would pray to God but who am i to be worth his time
I consciously sin in babylon daily, & please my flesh in the pastime 
I wish i could abort these superfluous thoughts 
Ive made many mistakes & i acknowledge my faults 
I wish Nostradamus would've predicted  the deceit in 2014
Forced to fortifying my morals and thoughts in a hidden quarantine 
I am utterly taken by her presence
A divine queen far from a peasant 
As i sit at night and listen to the crickets i look for the moon but your not here
Your in another world, i question what keeps us apart, commitment or fear
Im cautious and secretly acquire her motives before catching feelins via txt
Because in mere words alone, she has the power to uplift or leave me vex 

- McCullin Ray II

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