Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Today, Yesterday, & Tomorrow

Yesterday my father told me stand upright & be a man
From my mothers womb only God knows what destiny i have in hand
I knew lifes race had hurdles but now I'm climbing mountains
Purchasing spirits in bottles to num the pain i dream of a righteous fountain
I plead for peace but am at constant war with myself
I pray for humility & peace of mind nevermind the troubles of wealth
Out of all the wrong I've done what can be turned right
A black fog consumes my generation one by one we loose sight
If theres a time for everything, when will we overcome?
Growing up playing hangman i wondered why we had to be the ones to be hung
With no one to vent to & oasis to run
I say what needs to be said and for that reason im the one they shun

--McCullin Ray II

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