Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Today, Yesterday, & Tomorrow

Yesterday my father told me stand upright & be a man
From my mothers womb only God knows what destiny i have in hand
I knew lifes race had hurdles but now I'm climbing mountains
Purchasing spirits in bottles to num the pain i dream of a righteous fountain
I plead for peace but am at constant war with myself
I pray for humility & peace of mind nevermind the troubles of wealth
Out of all the wrong I've done what can be turned right
A black fog consumes my generation one by one we loose sight
If theres a time for everything, when will we overcome?
Growing up playing hangman i wondered why we had to be the ones to be hung
With no one to vent to & oasis to run
I say what needs to be said and for that reason im the one they shun

--McCullin Ray II

Monday, August 4, 2014

My mind overwhelms me

My mind overwhelms me,
Four corners confine my body while my body entraps my spirit
I wish to be free, but freedom is like love 
A treasure at seas bottom
Sought after but seldom found
Thought of but rarely expressed 
Hidden but in plain sight
But what is freedom?
The condition of being free, the power to act, speak, or think without externally imposed restraints
So in actuality we are all slaves, but to whom?
My mind overwhelms me,
Im am no womanizer, but i do tend to break hearts
When her eyes look into mine the affliction starts
Accelerating at a fast rate only to crash head on
I look at our love to see if it still exist
non responsive, another fatal attraction.
I morn for a season, but yet again i look into anothers eyes 
Praying for genuine love that consumes me & never dies 
But lets be real, these niggas more concerned about material items 
Postin pics on ig hopein a shallow individual like em
I wish i knew her before she devalued her worth 
Made in Gods image buh came from the earth
As our bodies intertwine she hopes to captivate my heart
But anything of high value wouldn't be so easy to bag and place in my cart
And as she embraces me i kno these feelings are rushed & only temporary
Im on a conquest for something real, so they label me a visionary
My mind overwhelms me.

--McCullin Ray II



This world tryna take me under & the waters are deeper than the times of noah 
But I've been reminiscing longer than 40 days and 40 nights
Strategizing in the darkness how ima make it back to the light 
Successful jobs, life opportunities, and prosperous women all look past me 
Label me peeping tom for looking over your fence where the grass is greener 
Where you reside in two story houses with insulation while me & my nigga huddle round by this space heater 
I suppose what doesn't kill me does make me stronger
Im amused at those who look down upon me proudly as they sail by in their titanic
Unaware that sudden destruction will come and only the meek will inherit the earth
Sadly we've been programmed to do the opposite of his will since our birth

Lord have mercy on our soul. 

--McCullin Ray II