Friday, November 28, 2014



Since adolescents ive been trained in the art of war fare 
Training commences before i feel the warmth from the suns glare 
No peace treaties in combat or agreements of alliance 
Their kind are not to be trusted from their previous defiance 
Beguiled by the serpent they lead us astray 
Enticing words piercing the spirit causing disarray 
Lord forbid I step on the battlefield without Your protection
Imagine a weapon aimed, beautiful black complexion 
Fragrance more consuming than the scent of gun powder
Arms wrap around you, like triggers squeezed to devour 
Crafted from the earth only to one day penetrate your heart
Escaping with scars alone your either blessed or a coward to depart
I've heard a many war stories, seldom  heroes I can recall
war crimes & treason are many of my comrades downfall 
Wayward from my platoon I venture behind enemy lines
A hunter seeking prey I have no limitations,free from my confines  
I initiate a conflict, chivalry is still existent 
Perplexed that the return of fire is equal to mine & persistent 
Chest on fire as an armor piercing bullet spins clockwise into my heart 
However, your countenance drops in disbelief at the bullet you didn't outsmart 
Both staggering before we fall, grasp me as I cling to you
Bound to one another until the war is over; POW